Such an ambush right out of the Russian mafia. And two people ganging up on President Velensky is truly an American embarassment.

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I have cancelled my WP subscriptions! No intelligent thinking person can worship at the feet of The Wannabe Dictator and be a patriotic American or thoughtful world leader.

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Putin's Manchurian candidate showed his true colors yesterday. Impeach him now before he destroys our democracy!

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Have you read the Book by Craig Unger - House of Trump: House of Putin? Explains how it all started a long time back! Recommend it.

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Thanks very much for the reference!

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Great as usual. Yesterday was a sad day. We saw how two thugs allied themselves with Vladimir Putin. Why? Is Trump a Russian asset? Food for thought.


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That’s no longer a question. Of course he is. The question is why? What’s in it for him or what does Russia have on him?

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It goes back to Florida real estate deals early in this Century when Russia provided $30 million to get him out of Bankruptcy I believe. Around the time of his NJ casino going South, as I remember.

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Republicans have kompromat files that will put them in prison or worse if they don't obey. I think that TRump hates the United States as badly as Putin does for having viewed him as the lowlife that he has always been for decades. This is pure and simple revenge! Destroy us.

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Putin's Manchurian candidate showed his true colors yesterday. Impeach him now before he destroys our democracy!

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It has been for years!!

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Of course he is !

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I LOVED Mr. Zelenskyy's suit! Thank you President Zelenskyy, Good Work! You defended your country! Slava Ukraini!

Question: What does Mr.Entitled Twit-Nozzle Musk's attire say about him? (feed cap or ball cap?) dunce cap???

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For a political illustrator to be effective, they must be able to put the essence of their subject right on the paper and show the soul of their subject...I would say Ann always succeeds.

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Love how well Ann does Trump’s piggy little eyes and contrast of brass knuckles to Trump’s tiny hands is the cherry on top

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The brass knuckle and the little hands are priceless!

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Nail hit squarely on the head!!!

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I love your drawings !

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Continue to wonder what foreign entities might well be paying Trump for his astonishing actions during his stated “Retribution” presidency.

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Well, he’s probably up to his eyeballs in Putin’s money so now this is part of tramp’s interest payment on that debt.

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Wouldn’t the Don admire this image of himself! Or as a WWE superstar tag-teaming with JD on Zelensky. He’d love that too.

A dear friend is in town from the Republic of Georgia, lives in the US for six months of the year, and in Georgia for the rest. In Georgia everyone is out in the streets daily. The old and the young, to protest a government that’s gone as rogue and Putin-infiltrated as ours. And she wonders why Americans aren’t doing the same. I have no good answer for her.

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A mob hyenas in suits, with orange drool.

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Boy, is this ever right! Good call Ann.

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It must have been a challenge for Waltine to find the toddler-sized brass knuckles for The Don.

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The brass knuckles are the icing on the cake !

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That wasn’t a meeting, it was a mugging. For the cameras no less. If ever there was a day to be embarrassed to be an American, that was it. The day democracy took one to the kneecap.

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Wow, Donny Soprano never looked so good!

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Perfect image! And TASS just happened to be in the Press Pool.

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