"Arab Americans for trump"…I wonder how those dopes feel now with their Jill Stein protest votes and their chants of "Genocide Joe" baloney. He couldn’t sell them down the river fast enough .

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How they feel is that they dropped the "for Trump" from their name now.

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I'm not sure if people remember ... but Jared floated this idea sometime within the last year. "It's all rubble now anyway. And the coastline's beautiful." (Poor people are not allowed nice beaches.) Or do people remember how Neteyahu was a pal of the Kushner family, and stayed in Jared's bedroom when he came to visit?

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Did he sleep alone? Just asking.

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One does wonder ... I am not recalling this in any great detail, but I'm thinking it was youngster Jared, pre-Daddy's incarceration in any case.

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I do. I was sickened then and more now. It’s a homeland and somehow Palestinians carved out lives regardless of the conditions even pre Oct ‘23 forward Israeli genocide. To those asking how Palestinian Americans and others feel now about their votes or not voting, if we know people related to those who’ve lost homes and trekked back and forth to refugee camps, only to lose the little they had or acquired, it’s the wrong question. We should ask how we can help. Then instead we ask if the majority of MAGA voters like their information in the hands of Elon; how they like billionaires making decisions about civil service jobs knowing no one with one; how they believe Jesus approves.

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Yes I remember and understand that Kushner knew full well that floating such an idea by his father-in-law might have this result. In fact, I believe he has had a lot more to say about it to Trump in the mean time. A good way to get your father-in-law offed. According to Spy Talk the Ayatollah already had 1 mil price on Trump's head, and an Iranian MP has a 3 million price on Trump's head. I imagine either more get in on it, or the price is upped with this move. So, that beachfront will be bombed if it happens. It is going to be Beach front Beirut.

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In re: poor people and beautiful beaches ... Cuba came to mind. God forbid Trump gets in there and starts developing. Man. Fat orange men. And skinny bleach blond ladies, tanned darker than the actual brown people they despise that actually live there. I'm watching a lot of MLB highlight reels on Youtube. Really makes me feel better, all those double plays.

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What saddens me will be the number of people and companies willing to invest in this illegal invasion! Wait! Isn't that what he's trying to stop at the southern border?! 🤔

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Come stay at the Callous Buffoon Resort.....

Special rates for sycophants..

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Those special rates? He will raise the price by 30% and discount the price for his sycophants 10%.

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The lying SOB is claiming the Palestinians will be moved to luxurious quarters, the "likes of which the world has never seen." Does he really think anybody in the world will believe him, least of all the Palestinians?

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There are the tRumpcycles who will believe anything and everything he says. Those are the brain-dead people who voted for him. Will they ever learn? That"s doubtful. Once a tRumpcycle always a tRumpcycle.

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I think he does believe all he says because it goes out of his mouth without a second thought. Did you see the photo of his CoS when he said it? It was as close to Drs Brix & Fauci during COVID pressures: incredulous.

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I wouldn't believe a word coming out of that sphincter mouth.

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He always thinks people will believe him. That's how con artists roll. He can count on gullible people, like MAGATs for instance, believing every lying word out of his mouth.

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I am at a point where I cannot even read the news, it's so distressing. I have to stand and watch as a sociopath, stuffed with greed and brimming with lust for the pain of innocents and the morally straight, degrades our country. It is no less than if we had a precious child under our charge and one of us willingly sold her to sex traffickers. I am lost what to do except try to resist becoming as rotten as Trump in my opposition to him and my absolute loathing of people who cheer him on.

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You said it, M.A.! I cannot read the news either, nor can I stay away from it. I knew it was going to be bad. I thought I had steeled myself. 🤪

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Yes and if you live where you have Senators - state & Fed, and Representatives, call til you get through. Make your protest succinct and why you called. It does feel helpless. The MAGAts in all offices are cruel and we all will feel it too. Not like Gazans. But we will.

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I haven't watched CNN or MSNBC since the election. I can't bear to. I seldom watch national news. Can't stand the thought of hearing about the Convicted Felon's latest depredation. Maybe someday I might, but not in the next four years.

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Gotta love the little touches, like the upside-down American flag in the mango menace's drink.

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Nice catch! My favorite stuff with cartoons...I was in China once and passing an American flagged vessel and the flag was upside down. I went up to the ship and up the gangway to ask if they were in distress....the gangway watchmen who was Chinese is responsible for putting the flag up and down didn't know which way to raise it. My other sea story, we somehow jumped security in China when we got a ride to the seamen's club. Returning we had no pass and things were a bit dicey but they then decided to write us up a new pass....my friend's pass name "California Driver".

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Should have a bulls eye in the umbrella center

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Not to mention Jared/Ivanka, who again will haul in filthy lucre from Orange Duce's ill-gotten gains.

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From Mar-A-Gaza Plaza, where you can admire the Golden Middle Finger Fountain, stocked with Magic Kool-Aid bleach for those in a hurry to see Paradise.

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He may think he can build a Riviera, but his last attempts at building, not paying contractors is anything to go by his Riviera will be out of business in 6 months. Then what about the Palestinians he so unceremoniously threw onto the garbage heaps?

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"Then what about the Palestinians he so unceremoniously threw onto the garbage heaps?'

What about them? He doesn't care about them or anybody else except his very rich "friends." And he would throw them out as soon as they were no longer useful to him.

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Angelo, everything you’ve said is true. I just hope the rest of the world will fight back against this lunacy.

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Forgive me while I (vomit).

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Based on Trump's extempore imaginings, Israel's IDF is preparing for the removal of Palestinians from Gaza. Under the pretext of safety issues. When London and Dresden were bombed to rubble with undetonated ordinance around, no one forced English and German residents to resettle. We helped them rebuild.

When Hitler set out to Make Germany Great Again (yes he used that phrase) there is no evidence of his having the Final Solution in mind. He wanted to disperse Jews to inhospitable places where presumably they would disappear off the face of the earth, from duress. Of course, the removals were not advertised as such. In Aharon Appelfeld's 'Badenheim 1939' posters appear in a Jewish resort town, advertising pleasant excursions and opportunities in Poland. The sales pitch was much like Trump saying Palestinians could now leave Gaza for lovely neighborhoods and safety elsewhere. In the USA. No way. I suggest resettling Jewish settlers - in Israel proper. And offering Gazans the nice suburban settlements on the West Bank. If they want them. Or helping them rebuild in Gaza.

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A perfect rendition in true retro style!

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OMG THIS it is so funny, and seriously sad at the same time. I almost spit out my martini, trying to chill after this hellish couple of weeks. Thank you Ann!

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Brilliant, cartoon, Ann!

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